You’re in control with Nothern Oak Trust | Loans, Assets, Mortgage, sharedealing

If you like to make your own investment decisions, our InvestDirect and InvestDirect Plus sharedealing accounts could be ideal. You can set up an account and trade online – plus there are easy to use tools to help you make informed investment decisions.

Find out more How to apply

Available to Nothern Oak Trust | Loans, Assets, Mortgage, current account customers.

Check full product eligibility details

Trade in Stocks and Shares

Get ahead with finding work, a place to live and opening a Nothern Oak Trust | Loans, Assets, Mortgage, account before you arrive in the UK


Our stocks and shares ISA has no initial charge or annual management fee unlike many of our competitors.

Please be assured if you hold a stocks and shares ISA you will only pay an Account Fee for the taxed account.

Make Informed Decisions and test your strategies

Use interactive research tools to make informed decisions about what and when to trade. Create a virtual portfolio that lets you test your trading strategies.

Competitive rates

On the last business day of each calendar quarter, you will be charged an Account Fee of $10.50 (including VAT). This is payable quarterly in arrears. This is subject to having held the account for a full calendar quarter.

You can trade online for a flat fee of $10.50 per share deal for US equities (including trades inside an ISA). If you have an InvestDirect Plus account, you'll benefit from our competitive Frequent Trader Tariff of just $7.95 per share deal after your 9th trade in a calendar quarter.

Medium- to long term investment

This product is designed to be held for at least five years.

Investment risk

All investments carry some risk. The value of investments can fall as well as rise and you may not get back the amount you invested.

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The key features of Nothern Oak Trust | Loans, Assets, Mortgage, InvestDirect and Nothern Oak Trust | Loans, Assets, Mortgage, InvestDirect Plus in a handy (and printable) PDF.

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